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This is a wrapper around tools::dependsOnPkgs, but with the added option of topoSort, which will sort them such that the packages at the top will have the least number of dependencies that are in pkgs. This is essentially a topological sort, but it is done heuristically. This can be used to e.g., detach or unloadNamespace packages in order so that they each of their dependencies are detached or unloaded first.

pkgDep2 is a convenience wrapper of pkgDep that "goes one level in", i.e., the first order dependencies, and runs the pkgDep on those.

This will first look in local filesystem (in .libPaths()) and will use a local package to find its dependencies. If the package does not exist locally, including whether it is the correct version, then it will look in (currently) CRAN and its archives (if the current CRAN version is not the desired version to check). It will also look on GitHub if the package description is of the form of a GitHub package with format account/repo@branch or account/repo@commit. For this, it will attempt to get package dependencies from the GitHub DESCRIPTION file. This is intended to replace tools::package_dependencies or pkgDep in the miniCRAN package, but with modifications to allow multiple sources to be searched in the same function call.


  reverse = FALSE,
  topoSort = TRUE,
  useAllInSearch = FALSE,
  returnFull = TRUE,
  recursive = TRUE,
  purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE),
  which = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"),
  type = getOption("pkgType"),
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose"),


  which = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"),
  recursive = TRUE,
  repos = getOption("repos"),
  keepVersionNumber = TRUE,
  includeBase = FALSE,
  includeSelf = TRUE,
  sort = TRUE,
  simplify = TRUE,
  purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE),
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose"),
  type = getOption("pkgType"),
  Additional_repositories = FALSE,



A vector of package names to evaluate their reverse depends (i.e., the packages that use each of these packages)


An optional named list of (reverse) dependencies. If not supplied, then tools::dependsOnPkgs(..., recursive = TRUE) will be used


Logical. If TRUE, then this will use tools::pkgDependsOn to determine which packages depend on the pkgs


Logical. If TRUE, the default, then the returned list of packages will be in order with the least number of dependencies listed in pkgs at the top of the list.


A path to search for installed packages. Defaults to .libPaths()


Logical. If TRUE, then all non-core R packages in search() will be appended to pkgs to allow those to also be identified


Logical. Primarily useful when reverse = TRUE. If TRUE, then then all installed packages will be searched. If FALSE, the default, only packages that are currently in the search() path and passed in pkgs will be included in the possible reverse dependencies.


Logical. Should dependencies of dependencies be searched, recursively. NOTE: Dependencies of suggests will not be recursive. Default TRUE.


Logical. Should all caches be purged? Default is getOption("Require.purge", FALSE). There is a lot of internal caching of results throughout the Require package. These help with speed and reduce calls to internet sources. However, sometimes these caches must be purged. The cached values are renewed when found to be too old, with the age limit. This maximum age can be set in seconds with the environment variable R_AVAILABLE_PACKAGES_CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, or if unset, defaults to 3600 (one hour – see utils::available.packages).

Internally, there are calls to available.packages.


a character vector listing the types of dependencies, a subset of c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances"). Character string "all" is shorthand for that vector, character string "most" for the same vector without "Enhances".


See utils::install.packages


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, also returns details as if returnDetails = TRUE (for backwards compatibility).


Currently only dependencies as an alternative to which. If specified, then which will be ignored.


Either a character vector of packages to install via install.packages, then load (i.e., with library), or, for convenience, a vector or list (using c or list) of unquoted package names to install and/or load (as in require, but vectorized). Passing vectors of names may not work in all cases, so user should confirm before relying on this behaviour in operational code. In the case of a GitHub package, it will be assumed that the name of the repository is the name of the package. If this is not the case, then pass a named character vector here, where the names are the package names that could be different than the GitHub repository name.


Logical. Include packages listed in "Depends". Default TRUE.


Logical. Include packages listed in "Imports". Default TRUE.


Logical. Include packages listed in "Suggests". Default FALSE.


Logical. Include packages listed in "LinkingTo". Default TRUE.


The remote repository (e.g., a CRAN mirror), passed to either install.packages, install_github or installVersions.


Logical. If TRUE, then the package dependencies returned will include version number. Default is FALSE


Logical. Should R base packages be included, specifically, those in tail(.libPaths(), 1)


Logical. If TRUE, the default, then the dependencies will include the package itself in the returned list elements, otherwise, only the "dependencies"


Logical. If TRUE, the default, then the packages will be sorted alphabetically. If FALSE, the packages will not have a discernible order as they will be a concatenation of the possibly recursive package dependencies.


Logical or numeric. If TRUE (or > 0), the default, the return object is "just" a character vector of package names (with version requirements). If FALSE (or 0), then a data.table will be returned with 4 columns, Package, packageFullName, parentPackage (the package name for which the given line entry is a dependency; will be "user" if it was user supplied) and deps, which is a list of data.tables of all dependencies. If a negative number, then it will return a similar data.table as with FALSE, however, duplications in the recursive package dependencies are left intact.


Logical. If TRUE, then pkgDep will return a list of data.table objects (instead of character vectors) with a column packageFullName and possibly a second column Additional_repositories, which may have been specified in a DESCRIPTION file. NOTE: THIS ALTERS THE OUTPUT CLASS


A possibly ordered, named (with packages as names) list where list elements are either full reverse depends.


tools::package_dependencies and pkgDep will differ under the following circumstances:

  1. GitHub packages are not detected using tools::package_dependencies;

  2. tools::package_dependencies does not detect the dependencies of base packages among themselves, e.g., methods depends on stats and graphics.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
if (Require:::.runLongExamples()) {
  opts <- Require:::.setupExample()

  pkgDepTopoSort(c("Require", "data.table"), reverse = TRUE)

} # }

if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
if (Require:::.runLongExamples()) {
  opts <- Require:::.setupExample()

  # much bigger one

} # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
if (Require:::.runLongExamples()) {
  opts <- Require:::.setupExample()

  pkgDep("tidyverse", recursive = TRUE)

  # GitHub, local, and CRAN packages
  pkgDep(c("PredictiveEcology/reproducible", "Require", "plyr"))

} # }